The first step is to pretty much just play the game, and enjoy it for what it is.

Bosses get a 50% health boost per phantom you have with you. I recommend just summoning one player, don't summon anymore. Make sure you're in ember form and just look for summon signs on the floor near bonfires by boss rooms. If you struggle with any of the bosses, get an online summon. Note: Don't consume boss souls! It might be tempting to, but you will need to trade a few of them for a ring or a spell with Ludleth. Step 1: Play through the game, kill all bosses, farm covenant items, get as many gestures, rings, sorceries, pyromancies and miracles as possible. Siegward's and Anri's questlines are missable, make sure that you are checking the locations where he is at in the gestures related to him. One requires 5 dark sigils (recieved from Yoel), one requires nothing to appear and the other, Heyzel is a bit more complicated. You must summon them while the Abyss Watcher's are still alive. Every other time you die, you get a free level. To get the 4 free levels after the first, keep killing yourself. To get Yuria to appear in Firelink Shrine, you must accept the 5 free levels from Yoel before the Abyss Watchers. Get both of these from her questline, and you never have to worry about this again. Sirris' has the "Darkmoon Loyalty" gesture and "Silver Cat Ring". The best thing to do, is leave Rosaria until later in the game. If at any point in the game, you join Rosaria's Fingers, then Sirris' will spawn into Firelink Shrine and say how you aren't friends anymore. Rosaria and Sirris' have conflicting questlines. The game can also be completed fairly quickly if you just focus on the Lords of Cinder.

This isn't so bad, when you think about the amount of missables in the game. Unlike the past games, the +1 and +2 variation of rings don't spawn until new game+ and new game++. The game is brilliant, so expect nothing but an enjoyable experience on your way to the platinum.Īs far as the platinum goes, it's like the past Souls games you have to defeat all the bosses, and collect every available spell, miracle, ring, pyromancy and gesture.

The first few bosses start out easy, but things drastically scale near the end. Dark Souls is renowned for being hard, and this game is no exception. The Abyss Watchers, Yhorm the Giant, Aldritch and Prince Lothric to link the flame once again. You play as an Unkindled Ash, and you are set to find and return the 4 Lords of Cinder to their thrones in Firelink Shrine. Dark Souls 3 is the 4th game in the Souls series, and the last.