
Battle for middle earth 3
Battle for middle earth 3

It can has some story connections, but less than ROTWK disc. , Goblins = Moria + Lonely Mountain goblins +., Hobbits, Istari, Morgoth's faction, Wildman. New factions: Men = Rohan + Gondor + Numenor, Elven = Mirkwood + Lorien. I think it could be the best strategy game ever, if you make some news: The Lord of the Rings is still actual theme in the reason of Hobbit films. Here is the web page of Rise of the Witch King fans. This game is unique in very easy controls and infinity opportunities. After 6 years this game has still its own fans and they make new balances, debugs and improvements of the Witch-King datadisc, becouse it still is one of the best strategy games now. Question is why to continue in this long time ago closed idea.

battle for middle earth 3

What do you think about creation of new part of the Lord of the Rings: The battle for Middle Earth? Hi, I have really simple question about new game idea.

Battle for middle earth 3